FOSSILS!! (Discoverable Subspecies options)

26 votes

I suggest giving each playable a set of “Fossils” hidden or buried across the map in various locations. Upon discovering a fossil, the player “unlocks” a new subspecies option, that they can buy and switch between in the home cave!

- Discoverable subs wouldn’t need new models, they can use the existing variations as the base, depending on the perk

- 5 or so Fossils for each playable to discover (only discoverable by the respective creature?)

A change I’d recommend to go along with such an addition, reaching adult as a specific subspecies should allow you to switch to that sub with no cost from that point onwards.

I saw a similar suggestion about endgame content made earlier, and thought a mix of that, and the “Fossils” mechanic in my Adventure overhaul post would be perfect

Under consideration Game Mechanic Quests and Achievements Suggested by: Q / Astralarchivist Upvoted: 19 Nov, '24 Comments: 0

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