Carnivore Diet & Food Drain Problems
Critters, even the really strong ones, don't give enough food! A Rhamp can kill a Dynamosuchus and it only fills up a quarter of your food. Why does a creature literally larger than the Rhamp not fill you up completely? Why can the critters beat the crap out of adult dinosaurs, even the Thal?? Why does it take 8 rex bites to kill a Wadiasaurus?
The new critters are too damaging and don't provide enough food. The recent diet changes have some issues. You might as well just make a single carnivore diet that allows you to eat ALL meat, carrion, and bones, and then make a Fisher diet allowing for fish and shellfish (like how the Conc fisher diet works).
Comments: 9
15 Oct, '24
DauntlessOwl2011My metrics food drains in minutes that is a real problem
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15 Oct, '24
DauntlessOwl2011I tried to kill a wadia with my metri and it almost killed me
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15 Oct, '24
KBlurDiet is so messy. They just need to let you unlock more food types the more you grow...and then as a full adult to be able to eat everything according to what dino you are.
Makes no sense how suddenly as deinon I refuse to eat fresh meat??? Also insectivore diet is so useless... drain is too fast and you can't find insects anywhere, especially on Panjura. -
16 Oct, '24
TullymonsterSome fish fill me up more than the critters. I'm really happy that we have new AI critters, but I agree there need to be a few stat tweaks.
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16 Oct, '24
Cat SpitExactly this. I should not be able to kill a fish bigger than my dino and get less than half my food meter filled from eating the whole thing.
With food drain the way it is currently, playing an ambush hunter like a sarco or a rex is going to be extremely frustrating for players who are new or not good at PVP - as a sarco, you can't even catch AI without giving yourself away because the bites are audible above water, and the food you get from that AI will be drained long before anything comes back to the water, with how spread out people are now. It's genuinely more rewarding to eat shellfish than to hunt AI.
It really feels like there's no time to chill and just enjoy the game now, you're constantly topping up your food and water.
I would suggest maybe making hunger drain more slowly as you reach adulthood to reflect metabolism slowing down as the body stops growing, or just returning to the "bigger AIs give more food" system. -
17 Oct, '24
KBlurTried playing a sucho today and oh my...
I eat a whole lake and I'm hungry in less than 5 minutes again.
The diet/food drain needs to be seriously looked into. Now you no longer have time for exploration/chilling, it's constant search for food which is NOT fun. -
20 Oct, '24
lrjhm3The whole diet thing is very inconsistent: my rhamph can eat a mid fish and be filled from half to full, yet when I kill a large tortoise (after about 30 bites) it gives me next to no food. That's a wrong balance if I now cannot eat the placed bodies around the map.
And as others have pointed out, food drain varies drastically by species: I made a conc for the first time a while back and found I was quickly starving whilst growing - it was just a cycle of kill critters for 80% of the time, and get a few quests in. -
23 Dec, '24
FullmetalHow many critters does it take to fill up almost anything? Answer: way too many.
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27 Dec, '24
HMIt's great that there is life and lots of critters.
BUT why are Tortoise, Silesaurus and Bagaceratops aggressive towards all small/medium sized dinos (group size 1-2). Even if the dino is bigger than the critter when it's adult, they still get hunted.. even if they are Herbivore critters??? They should run away like regular critters did before.
Only carnivore critters should hunt all players smaller than them/juveniles (or class size 1 as an adult). They are to OP!