Carnivore Diet & Food Drain Problems

66 votes

Critters, even the really strong ones, don't give enough food! A Rhamp can kill a Dynamosuchus and it only fills up a quarter of your food. Why does a creature literally larger than the Rhamp not fill you up completely? Why can the critters beat the crap out of adult dinosaurs, even the Thal?? Why does it take 8 rex bites to kill a Wadiasaurus?

The new critters are too damaging and don't provide enough food. The recent diet changes have some issues. You might as well just make a single carnivore diet that allows you to eat ALL meat, carrion, and bones, and then make a Fisher diet allowing for fish and shellfish (like how the Conc fisher diet works).

Under consideration Critter AI Game Balance and Stats Suggested by: Autumn Upvoted: 04 Feb Comments: 9

Comments: 9