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If you have suggestions, feedback, bugs, or anything else you'd like to see updated in Path of Titans, please add a suggestion to this board! Before making a suggestion, please use the search feature to see if it has already been posted and matches yours. It is easier to vote and comment on that post with your support!
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Thank you for playing Path of Titans!
If you have suggestions, feedback, bugs, or anything else you'd like to see updated in Path of Titans, please add a suggestion to this board! Before making a suggestion, please use the search feature to see if it has already been posted and matches yours. It is easier to vote and comment on that post with your support!
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Thank you for playing Path of Titans!
Carnivore Diet & Food Drain Problems
Critters, even the really strong ones, don't give enough food! A Rhamp can kill a Dynamosuchus and it only fills up a quarter of your food. Why does a creature ...
Critter food
Critters give so little food and with dinos that hunger really fast it is painful. It would be beneficial if they would feed baby dinos better. The amount they feed ...
clamp and pounce on critters
it would be kinda cool for sarco to clamp a ai that got to close to the water and drown it. it might also be a good way for sarcos to practice clamp. and raptors ...
Add Velociraptor as a critter
With all the misconceptions around its actual size, I think having Velociraptors as dynamic critters would be hilarious. It would also make for some interesting ...
Npc baby for nesting
I was very excited at the prospect of being able to create nests in Path of Titans. However, when a baby joins our family and we have to leave the game, we never see ...
Aquatic AI
Ai Creatures added to the ocean to make full aquatic life more interesting
More food
I think that the herbivores have to much food down there are berry bushes everywhere but when im a large carnivore there is no food to be food the AI critters don’t ...
Roaming critter AI has created a serious accessibility problem
Sound effects for free-roaming critters NEED to be heavily adjusted. To hear every footstep of every critter on the map as if they’re right beside you has made the ...
Please balance AI
Right now, Critter AI feels a bit too over powered with little reward , especially for young dinosaurs considering how hard they hit, how long it takes to kill them, ...
AI critters need to drop more meat (frequent topic popping up daily on reddit)
MANY complaints lately about the carnivore diet changes, specifically the problem with AI not dropping enough meat for how tanky and aggro some of them are. This is ...
More aerial and more water ai
I think it would be really nice to have more critters. I think it would be fun to have some ai that would actually effect dinos like hatzegopteryx and rhampy. ...
A.I Mate's And Babies
With the arrival of the nesting and ai critters update I've had this idea cooking in my head recently lol.
This is a feature from the mobile game wildcraft players ...
Quieter/Unique Footsteps for Dynamic AI
I can't tell what's a player and what isn't and when I think I've gotten familiar with their particular pattern and rhythm I hear one that sounds just like a player's ...
Add Jakapil dinosaur as a new critter Ai
JAKAPIL is a small dinosaur that would be perfect as a critter! It is an herbivore and is is very unique!
Fix hunger drain
Ever since the critter update hunger drain has been an absolute pain especially on the larger carnivores.
Critters don't give hardly any sort nourishment for the ...
Larger NPC Prey Items
While I know a lot of people enjoy hunting down players on dinos that are stuck on hypercarni, it would also be nice to see large npc prey items for them. This will ...
Wadiasaurus Critter Needs Nerfed
Hey y'all! So, I tried to kill a Wadiasaurus critter on my Rex, and it took eight bites. EIGHT, lol. Wadiasaurus is crazy overpowered for a critter and is stronger ...
DIPROTODON Critter: Beefy Target with Higher food value
Groups of 1-3 of Diprotodon spawning in Savannah Grassland, Green Valley, Grand Plains, Rainbow Hills, etc.
Diprotodon would be mostly passive;
- Ignores small - ...
Big ai sauropods as hunt and fight quests
Like group hunting quest for hunting an alone adult specimen or maybe a quest for carnivores to Track and isolate a weak sauropod from a moving ai herd and if you ...
Aggressive Ocean Critters
All ocean critters including kelp shark don't attack or fight back, so it would be nice to add a aggressive Ocean critter, like tiger sharks, tiger Sharks spawn in ...
Bigger critters
How about more critters of the bigger variety? Ai dinos if you will. Like maybe some, if not all of the playable dinos as critters in different areas of the map? ...
Single Player Carnivorous Survival Needs Help.
I just started playing a couple days ago and I prefer to play in single player, mostly to avoid toxic players. I also prefer to go at my own pace of things. But I was ...
An alvarezsaurid as a critter
these guys are small and would make a perfect addition to the critters variety collection!
Critter DMG causing scars
I recommend making critters give scars if they’re able to kill players’ dinosaurs. Gives it realistic character depth, especially if some critters withstand more ...
AI Creatures
I’d absolutely love to see larger AI dinos implemented both herbivores and carnivores for solo/ private servers and for the purpose of food for larger carnivores/ ...
improve the ocean
The ocean is a very large and vast area where you can get lost very quickly. It is also difficult to do missions since you cannot find them and you can easily lose ...
Make certain agressive critters flee on low health
I think it would make agressive critters way more interesting and distinct if some of them, for example, the Wadiasaurus, wouldn't only flee when the opponent is too ...
AI Dinosaur Progression: AI Nesting and Babies
Please upvote and comment! I think you guys should start small with something like the Chicken or big with AI Bars or Spinos! And eventually make AI dinos able to ...
School of fish
A school of fish AI would be a nice addition where if you quickly burst in to strike it, you can catch some of it and the fish will form an avoidance to it for ...
New Critter The Lystrosaurus
Lystrosaurus is a aggressive critter that roams the beaches, the grasslands, the deserts, the forest, and the mountains. These creatures will attack any threats ...
Microraptor food source
This is just an idea, but I think it would be cool if there were flying insects it can catch when it is eventually released. They could act similar to fish. This way ...
Increase Food given by aggressive critter corpses
TL;DR - The food-to-fight ratio is too low for aggressive critters compared to the time investment and potential damage it takes to kill them.
Critters are a good ...
Bigger critters should give more food then smaller ones.
Especially the ones that try and hurt you vs. the ones that are passive and run. I think there is some difference already but I also think it should be a little more ...
Make the behavior of AI creatures more biological.
The current behavior of AI creatures is:
- When a Player comes into view, if the weight of the detected player is high, they will flee
- After fleeing a certain ...
Meat from Critter (agression).
It's great to see there's life because of AI critters
Was it not the idea that the critters was supposed to be there, so you could find food???
It's like they're ...
Critter Fights/Hunts
It makes it annoying when the critters only hunt you and don't attack each other like why does dynamosuchus not hunt silesaurus and didelphodon? Why doesn't it fight ...
Have land critter ai and new fruits give buffs when eaten, like how fish do
Currently only aquatic "ai" (like fish and turtles) give buffs when eaten. I think that some of the new ai critters on land should gives buffs when eaten as well. ...
Critters: run from player when using "aggressive" emote
Aggressive critters are a fun new mechanic which help players hone their combat skills and keep babies on edge. At a certain point, though, they become kind of ...
Add knockback to critters
It can be so tedious trying to kill a critter if your dino doesn't have enough speed or turn radius, and tail attacks are useless against critters, so yeah
Slower Critter Decay
Currently, critters rot and vanish in less than 30 seconds, which can be bad if you are trying to feed a group member or baby. There is no reason food ...
Critter Overpowered
It's great that there is life and lots of critters.
BUT why are Tortoise, Silesaurus and Bagaceratops aggressive towards all small/medium sized dinos (group size ...
More edible fish in rivers and ocean
I finally hopped on my sarco after a long while. I spent hours trolling the river ways and ocean looking for viable things to hunt and fish to eat.
I've noticed how ...
More maps + their own Cataclysm events
New maps with Cataclysm events. Events are explained later, marked with (C). Server events. Weekly/monthly occurances. Toggle on/off feature for community servers. ...
Add megalochelys as official and remove the critter
Plz add Megalochelys is half as long as megalania and taller than Achillobater and u guys have downsized it it should be a playable herb not a aggressive critter
Dynamosuchus is too hard to hit/does too much damage.
Dynamo aims for your center mass and sits inside or behind most bite positions when engaged. I'm constantly being torn apart by these even with bigger stronger dinosaurs.
Ibirania parva as a critter
Ibirania could be a critter that appears in plains and near rivers, Ibirania would be a neutral critter for small dinosaurs and run away from large and medium dinosaurs.
No critters around home cave
My new dino was all ready to go with the home cave resting buff, I left the cave and was pretty much instantly killed off by a critter because I was too young to ...
Dynamosuchus skin
Dynamosuchus has only one skin! It needs more variations like the other critters!
Change the spawned dead bodies in the map to normal meat or another alterative besides the AI
I was a juvi and my friends who were a sub sucho (unable to find fish) and an adult rex were starving, and I was a juvi achillo who was also starving bc my friend ...
NPC Dinos and Boss Fights
I would like to see more RPG content added to the game. I want to suggest something similar to Guild Wars 2 style of role-playing. It should be broken down like this. ...