Completely flood impact crater with water
If impact crater was filled with water then it would be a vastly deep inland lake, only accessible via the several somewhat narrow paths that lead into the center of the crater. The water would be similar to most of the ocean's water (though it'd be freshwater), which would make it significantly harder for crocs to ambush people if ic were to become a hotspot for semi-aquatics. This would hopefully solve the '80% of the server is always at crater' problem.
Comments: 4
22 Aug, '24
Q/ Astralarchivist 2 -
26 Aug, '24
SubtleThe server I'm on made the IC pond a lava pit. Solved the problem of people sitting around there. Now its an occasional quest area better incorporated into the map flow.
1 -
27 Aug, '24
SomeoneFor me it looks like water but I die when I swim in it I did not understand whats wrong
31 Dec, '24
SenI was just saying today in chat that they should flood crater.
It's been a massive problem hotspot on the server for a while, and they keep having to "Close" it, with Moderators making sure no one sets foot in Crater.
Currently, Titan's and Hatz are slaughtering everything in and around Crater, and neither have a counter.
You can't even quest in the Grand Plains anymore because of how bad it's gotten.
A flooded crater would be such a good nesting zone for aquatic creatures, land/aquatics, and flyers/aquatic.
It would be a fantastic hangout spot for aquatics, who currently don't have a "hangout spot" other then the river near IC.
Just add a river that goes to the crater or an underground tunnel from the ocean. You could even have a quest to keep the tunnel cleared.
Land-only creatures would actually roam the map or go back to the several large lakes as a hangout spot.