IMPACT CRATER LAKE (Fill IC with water, weather-based connections to ocean)
Fill Impact crater with water!! It'd make a far more interesting and dynamic location.
It could potentially have an aquatic home cave, and during Storm/Rain events, overflows slightly, filling dry riverbeds that lead from the crater to the ocean.
It'd solve the partial issue of players congregating at the center, add more freshwater for land-creatures, and allow for more dynamic Land-Aquatic interaction.
The main idea of crater being a lake is not mine, though I don't remember where I heard it so I cannot credit them.
Comments: 6
16 Jul, '24
Q / AstralArchivistPotentially another weather-dependant stream flowing down towards GP river too
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18 Jul, '24
AzulraIt'd be a cool change and I agree that it'd probably help with the player congregation issue, but I think that at least one river should be flowing at all times to the ocean so that full-aquatics can go up if they'd want. Plus you're gonna need some fish there probably.
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26 Jul, '24
Q / AstralArchivistPut a TITANIC FROG in it
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26 Jul, '24
YeshuaMyLordGOD, please
This is genious fr -
19 Sep, '24
poptartsEh, it would be cool as a temporary flood, but I like Crater as a hangout spot. Plus, it keeps the KOS groups concentrated away from us trying to grow, lol. It is a neat concept though.
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15 Dec, '24
FullmetalKeeps all the land Dino’s from congregating there while letting aquatics have an easier time being in that location. Win win.