acquired skin color from specific quest/quest location

22 votes

Adding special variation on skin and appearance depending on the type of quests or the location you mainly quest then gets reset when you die

eating a total of x Platyhystrix will result to a modified sail for spino, conc and sucho
completing a total of x quests in flyers bluff will result to a slightly wider wingspan
completing a total of x quests in red island will result to a reddish shade on the current skin
completing a total of x quests in burnt island will result to slight burns on the current skin
eating shark carcass x times/catching sharks x times will result to a slightly longer claws and teeth
charging to rocks/trees x times (for Ceratops) will result to a broken horn
charging to another player x times (for Ceratops) will result to a more pronounced crests
fighting bleeder x times will result to claw marks on skin

Under consideration Game Mechanic Quests and Achievements Suggested by: C4R4X3S Upvoted: 12 Sep, '24 Comments: 0

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