Loss of Marks

17 votes

If i lost 5% marks.. or the amount that was equal to the xp i lost.. it would be fair.. but not friggin 25%'ish every time I die. (don't know why we lose marks at all?)

I was playing a Spino and was ganged by 4 players... (missing some kick attacks for the specie).
Died and lost 1/4 marks.. then respawned to get that ½ xp bar back to adult again.. and was killed by 3 other dinos.. not even 2 minutes after respawn.. and lost another 1/4 marks.. had around 4k.. and lost around 1.750'ish marks... TOTALLY Ridiculous..
I don't care about losing Xp and have to do quest to get it back.. that's fair enough.. but the loss of marks is absolute ridiculous.. I lost hours of gameplay..

Under consideration Game Mechanic Quests and Achievements Suggested by: Jakob Upvoted: 08 Jan Comments: 1

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