Growth/Quest system is tiring

49 votes

I've been playing the new update since it released and it took me about 8+ hours to get to adolescent on the Eotriceratops and with other dinosaurs as well taking over 4 hours to get maybe halfway there. It feels less like a survival game and more like a fetch quest sim and not even a fun one.

Changing the Loc Quest's timer was a great change, I couldn't make some of the locations in time in 10 minutes on my Eot so it was a life saver.

Quests dont give enough growth boost at all, either they need to be lengthened or we need passive growth of some kind. Group quests also don't seem to give as much growth time as normal ones, I feel like that should give the most to encourage people to make groups.

If the goal was to try and make the growth system feel more realistic then it definitely worked in the way that growing feels like it takes years to get done in the game. I dont mind it not having a passive growth, but it needs to work faster, it's too boring and repetitive.

Under consideration Game Mechanic Quests and Achievements Suggested by: Synthie Upvoted: 02 Sep, '24 Comments: 4

Comments: 4