Herbivores can only attack Carnos if being attacked first. Only Herbivores can form groups
inbuilt mechanic in that and other games That Herbivores can only hit Carnivores if they hit you first it would have worked.
And only Herbivores can gain group buffs.
Comments: 11
07 Jan
Nbtuna/TunaI agree, although I think if a herbivore is within certain distance from their juvenile/hatchling and/or nest, then they are allowed to throw the first punch.
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07 Jan
RhiannonSo if you're a slow herbivore like an eo you just have to watch helplessly as a scouting carnivore calls its buddies while following you uncomfortably closely knowing you can't do anything about it untill they actually attack you because they're faster? Carnivores can taunt you getting right up in your face and you can't do anything about it unless they actually bite you?
I think herbivores should be able to manually turn off this mechanic if added because of this situation. This could be done without removing the point of the mechanic by having the off button be the aggressive call. This way if a herbivore is feeling angry they will vocalize it to activate a temporary window to begin an attack. No out of nowhere charges but they can still start stuff with warning. -
08 Jan
MidnightmissI wouldnt want this. Just because they're herbivores doesn't mean they would have just watched and waited to have been attacked first.
This is also extremely pandering to carnivore players.
I already don't play my herbies very much as it is. A mechanic like this would just put them in the grave for me. -
08 Jan
FullmetalIn nature, herbivores are actually often the aggressors. Hippos don’t just stand there while a crocodile attacks them or their young. Buffalo don’t do that when lions attack them. This is just nerfing herbivores. Things like eotriceratops or deinochierus would probably attack a carnivore first. They have that ”Kill it before it kills me” mindset.
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09 Jan
MidnightmissI'd also like to point out that removing the ability to group for carnivores would ruin the group dependent ones like the Raptors or alio.
While not all carnivores were pack hunters I wouldn't remove that mechanic from them, not without making it to where every carnivore can stand on their own and there's already a lot of flack for Raptors being able to take out Apex as it is, can you imagine what it would be like if a single one could easily do it? -
10 Jan
BionicIt would be very easy for a carni to keep tabs on a slower herbi until its buddies show up, and there would be nothing the herbi can do about it. And what if the herbi wants to defend someone? Too bad, you have to watch as your friend gets killed by a lat, and wait until it’ll turn on you next with its Rex friend who just showed up to help out.
For the second suggestion, I think it would be nice if only herbis and group-oriented carnis like lats could group up. But only in theory. It’s probably too late to change grouping now without a ton of backlash. -
11 Jan
Rhiannon@Fullmetal I was wondering if someone would mention hippos. Hippos are freaking terrifying.
12 Jan
Fullmetal@Rhiannon Hippos are the poster child for aggressive herbivores. I feel like a trike or duck is just a prehistoric, slightly more terrestrial hippo.
“Breaking News: Elephants stand still while lions attack young. These once aggressive animals are now completely passive. They don’t even move until the lion is too far away to chase.”
I hate trikes with every fiber of my being, but I won’t do this to them. -
12 Jan
TyThis is probably the worst idea I’ve seen in a while
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12 Jan
FullmetalPeople who upvote this are the same people who KOS everything they see. You know I’m right. This is just giving those people an excuse to be annoying.
13 Jan
PrehistoricFarmsEh no, there are already less herbi players