Ramph Combat
I believe Ramph should be able to fight each other, and upon release, micro raptor as well. They should only be able to do damage to things that have a similar combat weight than them. Microraptor ,Ramph , baby dein baby lat should also be in consideration as well until they are large enough to be immune to Ramph combat attacks. Bite and barrel roll should be the main combat attacks. This would improve support vs support within two different groups using Ramph, actual PvP vs other Dino’s without being 1 sided. Ramph have the ability to fight in water and the air, this opens up so many opportunities to make this strictly support dinosaur a little more fun without being a nuisance to other larger players. They should not be able to keep anything in combat or do damage with their combat attacks towards larger Dino’sZ
Comments: 5
08 Jan
BirdmessYeah I like the idea of being able to go after enemy rhamps. It would add more excitement and purpose to being a rhamp / support rhamp
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09 Jan
MinushkaThis would definitely make it more fun to play as a Rhamp! Hopefully they take this into consideration.
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09 Jan
TexasTurokUnder certain conditions a ramph should be able to damage large dinos by converting bleed damage to raw damage similar to kentro detonate. The player would need to already be in combat and bleeding in order for this to work. Getting a player woozy should make them loose control temporarily taking collision damage or something, the heavier the more damage
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10 Jan
LumpybagWould make Rhamp more fun in solo mode!
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11 Jan
exotici think rhamphs should be able to dmg most juvies not just lat and dein, in some cases, maybe only when grounded or something