Passive Mode!

8 votes

A setting that players can turn on and off. Similar to GTA online, where if passive Mode is on, they can't hurt other players, and other players can't hurt them (they can hurt ai without turning this off). This would be a great feature for players who still want to be in a server and hang out with other players, or just sit back and quest without worrying about other players who kill on sight. A way to show other players that this person is in passive mode could be that they are slightly see through. This would need a timer between turning it on and off, or simply only have the ability to turn it on and off be available in the home cave. Also it would probably be a good idea, that if this were a feature, players in passive mode can only be in groups with other passive players.

Under consideration Game Mode Suggested by: JumpingJelly Upvoted: 14 Jan Comments: 4

Comments: 4