Dualing style combat for Solo Game Modes

15 votes

As everyone knows, grouping in Solo Game Modes is a big problem and destroys motivation to play on them.
I thought of a potential fix for it.

As others have suggested, only two opponents can fight and damage each other at a time.

However, that would still allow groups to take turns attacking until the solo player is unfairly killed.

Solution: Only allow 1v1s (dualing system), when the dual ends, the winner immediately gets healed back to the HP and stamina they had before the fight, and cooldowns reset.

If the dual ends with both parties surviving (if one gets away and a dual timer ends) both heal, cooldowns and stamina reset back to before the dual.

This would solve the problem of groups taking turns until they kill you. They'd all have to face you 1v1 at full potential.

Under consideration Game Mode Suggested by: TheRagingTechni Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 0

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