Post TLC Deinonychus adjustments
After the nerf to Health, Combat Weight, and speed (through loss of subspecies, senses and hide) Deinonychus received in its TLC, the Deinonychus has become more frustrating than fun to play.
To remedy this problem I suggest Dein receive a buff back to its previous 1000 Combat weight and a 10% buff to its base speed while retaining its new 350 Health.
Reason for asking to revert CW back to 1000:
Even with the 20% buff given to it with pack hunter Deinonychus still deals less damage than it did before it got Pack Hunter it's CW got reduced not only causing the intended survivability decrease but a decrease in lethality.
Reason for asking for an increase to base speed:
Dein previously had 3 seperate buffs to its speed in a subspecies, sense, and hide, which most players used a combination of 2 or all 3. The loss of those buffs has left dein feeling sluggish and easy to catch, especially when there is even a slight upturn in terrain.
Comments: 12
15 Dec, '24
AzulraThe reason they made Deinonychus this way is because they mainly want its new play style to be a literal meat shield for a stronger dino in their group. Essentially they're designed to just simply soak damage and that's about it honestly-
16 Dec, '24
HollyPlease make dein playable again! After the TLC it feels weaker than a critter. The green and red critter causes more damage with their bite and does bleed. Please consider giving bleed back if the health is going to stay so low. The dein needs something because it has the lowest survivability. I went from playing every night to maybe once every couple weeks because it is so disappointing.
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24 Dec, '24
Jay Wal-LaThey turn our favorite Dino into a joke. It doesn’t make any sense to me. We already have the lowest CW. And on top of that 50% damage reduction while pounce. But we have to rely on pounce. we screwed all they around. If we pounce. They can still hit us and we take full damage from their attacks, and everyone has someone playing with them. So that’s another way to hit us. And get Denio out of there. Which I’m all fine with. But 50% reduction to our bite while pounce is crazy. And yall gave us Meat Chunks bite. But does low damage. But regens health. Our health already regens fast. If any thing meat chunks should be our strongest bite. What flesh gets a chunk ripped out. And not start bleeding profusely. And who bright idea was it, to give us Meat Shield. Why would anyone want to take damage for someone. Yall basically turned it into a Rhamp which is other one. Why even have them in the game if we can’t choose to fight with them. yea TLC update for Dein was a disappointment.
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27 Dec, '24
JoshAs a dein main, I've really enjoyed the new double jump with the height sub, but that's it. That's all it has going for it. I don't understand why they feel the need to continue to nerf it over and over, it was the weakest dino in the game 2 years ago and I would say now too. At least rhamph has more survivability since it can fly and swim. Not to mention the critters, the fact that we are able to be killed relatively easily by what seems like the majority of creatures is ridiculous. Questing in Dried Lake feels near impossible now, anytime I go there I am bombarded by 3-4 critters with large health pools and higher damage than myself and I really think that needs to change some way or another.
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27 Dec, '24
LeftOnASourNoteDeinon feels awful to play now. It feels like a playable critter at this point. It's barely even good for running away, the double jump is the only thing saving it. Meat Shield is useless to a Deinon as they can only tank one hit MAYBE if Lucky Feather actually procs like it's supposed to and the damage it can do is so low that it can barely protect itself from CRITTERS. I understand they want a difference between the Laten and Deinon playstyle, but this has gone too far. Deinon is more frustrating to play than anything else, even Rhamp (a dino that can literally do no damage) is 5000x more fun to play since it can actually survive better with it's mobility and ability to swim and fly. Please, we want Deinon to actually be fun again and I think this suggestion will really help make it feel less frustrating to play.
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27 Dec, '24
CocoDein is the fastest land dino in the game, it definitely doesn’t need a buff to its speed. A damage buff through combat weight or just a direct buff to damage feels necessary though. A good dein can kill nearly anything by itself but why even bother when lat deals much more damage, can do bleed, and is much tankier. The new dein tlc is a lot of fun but if I wanted to be quick and nearly worthless in a fight, I’d play Rhamph.
28 Dec, '24
MichyIf you're going to make it weaker, you should at least make it faster. It's the lightest playable in the game, yet it can be outrun and out-stammed by dinos that it should be running circles around.
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28 Dec, '24
Lord_Dromaeosaur reply to cocoNo dein isn't the fastest land dino. Sure it has tail fan but that glitches or fails too often to fully rely on it to get away.
Dein is 1100 sprint, which is tied with,
1. Conc
2. Meg
3. Metri
4. Pyc
And outsped by
1. Alio 1220
2. Campto 1220
3. Struthi 1250 -
28 Dec, '24
BlackshookCan’t believe someone typed a whole paragraph about the dein but said it’s the fastest dino in the game 😂😂😂 I’ve mained dein since this came to console, if you don’t think there’s an issue with it currently then please add me and show me your ways.
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09 Jan
MappayaIsnt the point of deinon kind of learning to escape without using pure speed? If i need to escape i simply hop (using tail fan and chaining jumps to keep momentum) which gets me very far ahead, or jump ontop of a rock. I wouldn't be against a cw increase but its speed is fine imo.
14 Jan
KrimsI feel like there's been this push to make people play laten instead of deinon. And I've just always liked deinon more - it has better skins, better model, better animations, better calls. But I'm begrudgingly playing laten now because deinon is too frustrating. It was a fun challenge to play it before, but now it's all risk and no reward. I've gone from playing it constantly to never playing it at all. If I want to play a spectator/trophy thief, rhamp is far more enjoyable and it has better support abilities. If I was smart and patient, I could solo fight pachy and conca with my deinon before. It was hard, but not impossible. Now I can't fight ANYTHING. Everything kills me with two or three hits. Lucky Feather does not protect me from 1-2 slot dinos and those are the dinos I am most likely to fight! All my interactions with other players is running away from them and that gets old REAL fast. Even when I'm in a full raptor pack, I feel useless. Please revert CW and HP at least!
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14 Jan
Coco reply to Lord_DramoaeosaurListen Lord_Dromaoesaur, I’ve had those glitches where you’re mid jump on tail fan and suddenly drop to the ground and take a lot of fall damage but it’s super rare for me. I don’t know if that’s a tail fan issue or just lag/the game trying to load in new areas and I’m moving a little too fast. Outside of that, which doesn’t happen for everyone like I said it’s super rare for me, deinon is easily the fastest land playable and to say otherwise is a little dumb. And even if it wasn’t why does that matter, you might as well complain about lat being outsped by a lot of dinos, but it’s really not that hard to find a rock and jump on it in most areas, or fall off somewhere too high for most other playables. I do still think a damage buff would be good since I don’t like having to be in a big pack and spamming mob rally to do any decent damage to most dinos.