Post TLC Deinonychus adjustments

136 votes

After the nerf to Health, Combat Weight, and speed (through loss of subspecies, senses and hide) Deinonychus received in its TLC, the Deinonychus has become more frustrating than fun to play.

To remedy this problem I suggest Dein receive a buff back to its previous 1000 Combat weight and a 10% buff to its base speed while retaining its new 350 Health.

Reason for asking to revert CW back to 1000:
Even with the 20% buff given to it with pack hunter Deinonychus still deals less damage than it did before it got Pack Hunter it's CW got reduced not only causing the intended survivability decrease but a decrease in lethality.

Reason for asking for an increase to base speed:
Dein previously had 3 seperate buffs to its speed in a subspecies, sense, and hide, which most players used a combination of 2 or all 3. The loss of those buffs has left dein feeling sluggish and easy to catch, especially when there is even a slight upturn in terrain.

Under consideration Creature Abilities Game Balance and Stats Suggested by: Lord_Dromaeosaur reply to coco Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 12

Comments: 12