Realism server Game mode
Devs, first I want to thank you for the solo servers. I am now suggesting something for realism players: A realism server. I propose the following rules and changes:
1. Slight passive growth
2. Except group chat, every chat will be turned off
3. Carnivores can only group up with their own genus eg laten, deinon and achillo.Some creatures like metri,allo,meg,kai,eurihno etc can only group up with themselves. All herbivores can group up together
4. Group slot changes:
Herbivores: Maximum of 15 creatures can join each group
Carnivores: For smaller dinos it is same. For mid-tiers, maximum of 6 creatures can group. For apexes, maximum of 3
5. Dinosaur stress mechanic: If two or more ungrouped creatures are near each other for 5 mins, they will have a speed and damage debuff
6. Waystones disabled
7. Herbivores can't kos. Carnivores can only kill babies and herbivores if hungry. They can attack other carnivores if threatened
8. A server owner should be appointed to check the above.
Thank You
Comments: 4
03 Dec, '24
RhiannonI disagree with the carnivore kill limits. Them needing to be hungry makes sense but carnivores don't have some moral rule against hunting other carnivores. While some of them avoid eating their own kind a hawk will eat a fox if they can take it down. Many carnivores have to worry about bigger carnivores. The real reason carnivores tend towards herbivores is just because in an ecosystem there's a lot more of them. This may not be the case in a game. In fact it usually isn't.
There also needs to be a rule that when a body goes down in a hunt the fight stops. Because if you're saying herb herds of 15 are fine they'll absolutely nuke hunt attempts if not. Big herds are awsome and realistic but not always if you're on the side trying to take something down. -
03 Dec, '24
RhiannonI feel like this post is also a good example of why realism servers end up having way too many rules in the end because troll players will find loopholes.
It is also why I find realism servers overwhelming and I probubly wouldn't play on this mode but it's not as bad as some I've seen. -
04 Dec, '24
JurassicGamingWorldThank you Rhiannon for replying to my post. Yes, I absolutely agree that there should be the following rule:
9. After someone is killed, the hunt stops and the two parties can't enter combat for the next 5 mins.
Now, yes I agree there are too many rules as for some people's liking, but I have made them to make the gameplay as realistic as possible for realism players. And for troll players, that is why I suggest having a server owner who would see if the rules are being followed or not. The server owner can also host migration events. Just now some more things came to my mind so I'm writing them down:
10. Permadeath
11. Homecaves disabled
12. There will be no water at IC (so as to not make it a hotspot).
Anyways, thanks for reading my mammoth of an answer. -
05 Dec, '24
JurassicGamingWorldI forgot to add something, rule no.5 will not work if both dinosaurs enter combat within 5 min