Spino TLC-Water Buffalo

164 votes

As of right now,spino doesnt have "much" going on kitwise, sure its tanky but thats not enough to encourage and active or fun playstyle therefore here are some ideas around!The overall design would be to keep it close water,and very strong,while also giving it a semi aquatic feel to it on land.


All terrain: Switching between bipedal and quadrapedal grants different gameplay, while on bipedal gain increased damage and bleed on your claws.While in quadrapedal you gain more mobility and increased tail attack damage.


Added new passives related to environment, while dry gain increased hp recovery and bleed resistance, while wet gain increased defense and more stamina recovery.


Added a sail slot, with different buffs depending on the playstyle(increased bulk,hp recovery or status effects to tail or claws)


Quadrapedal and bipedal stance
Claws with different effects(bleed wet/Stam decrease dry)
A grab with claws
-Bulk +Diversity builds

Under consideration Creature Abilities Game Balance and Stats Suggested by: SPspino Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 6

Comments: 6