Bring back Spinos Chargebite

164 votes

Bringing it back would be great for PvP on land and in water as Spinosaurus, because other Apexes except Deinocherius has better attack abilites fe: rex: facetank, crushing bite, charged bonebreak bite, deep rumble and tyrant roar, Eo: Charge and sharpen horns, Bars: Tailslam, Sarco: Chargebite with insane damage. So it would be a great Idea to bring back the spinos chargebite, because it is too op it would be a great exchange to bring it back but to balance this it would be a good idea to decrease spinos recovery, land or swim speed, Hp, combat weight, chargebite damage or delete its armor. It would be a great exchange to make the spino fun again and balanced aswell. Players dont like to play it, because it has no fun abilities so it makes it insane harder to kill and catch targets, but with the chargebite and the exchange of the stats, the charge bite would have a great place in the game.

Under consideration Creature Abilities Game Balance and Stats Suggested by: Vipspino Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 8

Comments: 8