Bring back Spinos Chargebite
Bringing it back would be great for PvP on land and in water as Spinosaurus, because other Apexes except Deinocherius has better attack abilites fe: rex: facetank, crushing bite, charged bonebreak bite, deep rumble and tyrant roar, Eo: Charge and sharpen horns, Bars: Tailslam, Sarco: Chargebite with insane damage. So it would be a great Idea to bring back the spinos chargebite, because it is too op it would be a great exchange to bring it back but to balance this it would be a good idea to decrease spinos recovery, land or swim speed, Hp, combat weight, chargebite damage or delete its armor. It would be a great exchange to make the spino fun again and balanced aswell. Players dont like to play it, because it has no fun abilities so it makes it insane harder to kill and catch targets, but with the chargebite and the exchange of the stats, the charge bite would have a great place in the game.
Comments: 8
28 Sep, '24
VipspinoAswell with the regular bite it is hard to hit targets when in or out of water, u can not hit them on the head only very rare because of hitbox issues aswell sometimes on the tail, only way u can 100% hit the target is a body hit. Please Path of Titans Team, it would be the best spino update ever and other dinosaurus like packs sub apex or apex would have much more fun challenging the spinosaurus. If people say that the chargebite is too op, u can nerf the damage or something else as I mentioned in my suggestion, aswell it doesnt make really sense because a low tier called ceratosaurus deals with its chargebite the same if not even higher damage than the Rexes bite. Spino already being close to the rexes bite force, why not making people who play spino and people who challenge it happy.
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28 Sep, '24
AzulraSpino's recovery and general speed already suck and don't need any nerfs. It's health and CW are fine because, if I remember correctly, its sail counts as a critical hit point just like headshots do meaning anything tall enough can do bonus damage without needing to directly face tank it.
The only things that made it OP before when it had Charged Bite was 1) its bleed and 2) its fast turn speed since the turn speed abilities weren't nerfed at the time making it very easy for it to turn and land the Charged Bite. -
29 Sep, '24
GeorgeIt’s clear that Alderon doesn’t want this feature enabled in their official game. What I think would be a great idea - adding curve overrides into the game to allow community servers to enable/disable certain abilities. This would allow the base game to continue the way it is, however community servers can choose to bring back the ability if they wish
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29 Sep, '24
VipspinoIm saying that it is much smarter to bring the chargebite back, as it is something you can work with as a spino. Spino with only spamming bites doesnt help much as they deal low damage and its just not meant for the spino, aswell the bites are very glitchy. But with the chargebite they could hunt much better, dinos would have more fun challenging it bc it would be more of the match and the dinosaur itself would be again fun to play. Alderon if you feel that when the spino chargebite is back, its unbalanced, because it could take down stuff much easier. Than please decrease/ delete its armor, decrease cw, decrease hp, decrease swim speed/turn or something else. Then it will be balanced and fun to play so why not.
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29 Sep, '24
UndiessYes we need this backkk
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03 Oct, '24
Alacranix/Concavatus YTI really liked how this made the spoon unique to most other games with it, making it feel so powerful. A lot of people loved the feature and now spoon has become one of the worst apexes by some standards. It REALLY needs it to compete with other apexes, especially the modded ones.
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23 Nov, '24
RizzasaurusBro armor is only thing keeping spino viable and it recovery, hp, weight, and land speed. Even if you were to do this without all those thing u traded spino would be destroyed
07 Dec, '24
FullmetalNever used the charge bite too much, but it still sucked to see it go. I have fun memories of doing ridiculous damage to other things with a fully charged bite. It does need it back as it was one of the best ways to deal with the larger dinosaurs.