Allosaurus Update and Tail Attack suggestion

76 votes

1: Health +50, speed +15, Stam Recovery increase, Hatchet bite damage +5/+.5 bleed,reduced cooldown, claw attack damage +5, to balance with stamina cost unless stamina recovery is adjusted, increased HP recovery +.5, increased defense by 5%

2: Additional Forelimbs ability like grapple
2 slots to Forelimbs.
Senses ability suggestion blood frenzy, increased defense, attack, mobility, and reduces stamina cost and cooldown of hatchet bite against heavier bleeding dinosaurs (must be in combat)

Additional legs slot/ability : padded feet: makes the Allosaurus steps quieter when within 50 meters of another dinosaur, disabled when in a party
Pin :Gain the ability to pin down smaller dinosaurs +bone break %

3: For all :Tail attack ability now charges and uses stamina, charging the tail attack will increase damage against heavier dinos, and will increase knock back against lighter dinos, when not charged tail attack will maintain its base stats, no stamina cost, medium damage, and knock back.

Under consideration Creature Abilities Game Balance and Stats Suggested by: MichaelKrow Upvoted: 11 Jan Comments: 6

Comments: 6