Fights for Dominance

7 votes

Please make it so there is an ability to have fights for leadership over the herd/pack. It would add a realism aspect to the game and something to do. It is true that friendly fire is annoying but you can twist it to make it fun.

I think there should be a call that starts the fight with the current leader that all dinos have, like you call out and then the leader has a prompt to fight back or surrender. You should then make a bar of health that, when it runs out the other player doesn’t die but it gifts leadership to the victor. There should be a timer on that call so you can’t just always fight the leader whenever you lose and if you continue to fight the leader even if you kill them it doesn’t grant you leadership.
The leader when a pack forms is either the oldest player or if there is a tie the person who would be leader now would be the leader of the pack. Give the alpha a buff to stam, attack, or health. The buff would be tooken away during a fight with a group mate.

Under consideration Game Mechanic Game Mode Suggested by: Dino Upvoted: 11 Sep, '24 Comments: 1

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