Foliage species suggestion
Hi! With the upcoming foliage update introducing several prehistoric plants, I think it'd be great if certain species were featured once the update is released.
The first species (or rather genus) I'd like to suggest is araucaria. Araucaria trees include stuff like monkeypuzzles (A. araucana) and bunya pines (A. bidwillii). The genus dates back all the way to the jurassic period, so these trees would fit perfectly with the thematic of prehistoric plants the update is trying to achieve. These large conifers would be perfect to bring more diversity to the conifer forests of both Panjura and Gondwa.
Another species I'd like to suggest is Weichselia, a genus of ferns from the mesozoic, with some of its species filling roles similar to those of modern day mangroves. Because of this I feel they'd be a great addition in swampy and coastal areas.
Finally I'd like to suggest wollemi pines (Wollemia nobilis),close relatives of Araucaria and one of the rarest trees alive.
Thanks for reading!