A ranked mode for gamemodes

21 votes

With the upcoming arrival of gamemodes, I’d like to suggest a ranked mode for them. In ranked, you and your group would be put in a random gamemode to fight, gaining/losing ELO by winning/losing, similar to every other ranked mode for a game.

Here’s my arguments for ranked:
1. Currently, it’s very rare that you meet a random on a server who is actually good at the game. Most people don’t actually know how to play the game very well, and it’d be really fun to meet randoms who are actually good.
2. There’s basically no reason to try to get better at the game. Every random falls for the same old tricks every time, so literally the only reason to get better is for bragging rights vs your friends.
3. It would separate sweats from the general playerbase, allowing both communities to have fun ruining the fun for each other.
4. It would give something to grind for. Currently, the game has pretty much no gameplay loop, and having something to grind towards really helps with that.

Under consideration Game Mode Suggested by: Indoraptoad Upvoted: 26 Jul, '24 Comments: 0

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