KOS & revenge killing Punishments

13 votes

While multiple topics have been made where people request something being done about kosing, not many ideas or suggestions as to WHAT to do about it seems to have been given.

Kos players are not only annoying, but petty as well, and they unfortunately have found a way around the ‘not respawning’ in the area they lost/died in while attempting kos and around the ‘cant go on this dino because it is too close to where you just died/were active’.

They waystone back there or as close to where they died as they can. They should NOT be allowed to waystone any of their dinos back to where they were just killed at, since they’re only coming back to try kos and/or revenge kill again.

Kosers should also recieve less marks for questing after a kos, they shouldn’t be allowed to get trophies to gift to others. They should also be marked on the map so u can see their player triangle (red to indicate danger/evil/kos playstyle). Perhaps kosers should also get weaker the MORE they kos.

Under consideration Game Mechanic UI and HUD Suggested by: Cxcr Upvoted: 24 Oct, '24 Comments: 1

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