"Off" Option for Shadow Settings to Help Further with Low End Performance on PC

12 votes

As a low end PC user, I've always liked how Path of Titans would allow me to turn shadows completely off when selecting the "Low" graphics setting on Directx12 for the past three years, but as of patch 31439, the option for "Low" shadows now displays actual low resolution shadows as opposed to disabling them completely, resulting in a regression of optimization for many other uses with PCs like mine.

I could play in UE 5.3 just fine for a couple of weeks after the engine upgrade, but this sudden change with the shadow settings came out of nowhere.

I propose an option to turn shadows off, like most other games on PC have
Cinematic -> High -> Medium -> Low -> Off

Under consideration Game Art and Animation Game Mechanic UI and HUD Suggested by: Doke Upvoted: 12 Nov, '24 Comments: 3

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