"Path of Champions"

7 votes

Path of Champions would be a championship where players in teams of five (these teams can consist of herbis and carnis working together) the idea would be only one of each species and one apex (to not make it overpowered and boring with 5 Eotrikes going against 5 Eotrikes). I suggest a Championship bracket (will attach image). And the winner would get an exclusive championship skin made for them labeled "The Titan". This idea could be a one time event, or be yearly/semi yearly. with the skins labeled as "The Titan I". I would really enjoy seeing this in the game as championships and sports are really fun to me, and also seeing dinosaurs fighting as well.

Under consideration Game Art and Animation Game Mechanic Game Mode Suggested by: SirSpicyy Upvoted: 26 Aug, '24 Comments: 0

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