Alternative for Revenge Killing

78 votes

I noticed in the recent patch that Hatz received a substantial nerf to it's stamina, namely due to people using them to return quickly to fights that they lost to get revenge before other players could heal. This unfortunately destroyed a lot of the fun in Hatz, these were large animals that could fly huge distances and being able to do that in game is a lot of what made Hatz good.

Rather than nerfing Hatz's stamina for this, and needing to continue to chase this issue into the future with whatever dino is used for this next I suggest a debuff against attacking a player you recently died fighting. Maybe both parties could have a their damage output significantly nerfed for however long, or if you kill a player you could be immune to damage or effects by them for 10 minutes or so, whatever feels good.

I really think this would be a more meaningful change that would prevent gutting things like Hatz flying stamina which was a huge part of the fantasy of playing it.

Under consideration Game Balance and Stats Game Mechanic Suggested by: Father Pretendo Upvoted: 18 Jan Comments: 5

Comments: 5