Personal Announcement Selection

5 votes

We often make personal announcements in our server because it's:
A. Private
B. in the users face, they can't claim they didn't see it like how you can miss a whisper.

Only issue is:
When you have 90+ people playing, clicking through 90+ people at the rate of lightspeed to try and find a singular username in time to warn them of a rulebreak or something is really hard.

What I propose:
Allow us to type in the AGID of the user or optionally click the arrows. That way we don't have to spend 2-3 minutes searching for the username ^^

This is a discussion about the admin panel being used to make announcements, you can make public ones or private ones. You can create private ones by clicking through the arrows.

Under consideration Server Hosting Suggested by: LordBarkuaad Upvoted: 22 Apr Comments: 0

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