Plague improvement

50 votes

I'm proposing a change and addition to the plague mechanic.

Currently when a player gets plague from a ramph it goes away as soon as the ramph unlatches.

I'm proposing a debuff to where the longer a plague bearing ramph is latched, the longer the disease persists. The disease debuff would function similar to venom where it does NOT put the player in combat, however instead of effecting the stamina of a dino it would effect the food and water drain rate and/or the amount of food/water the dino would need to consume in order to be full.

Sitting or laying down would make the disease go away faster, along with full food and water. Healthy and well nourished dinos recover faster.

Eating a salt rock or drinking salt water would increase the speed of recovery for the duration of the salt debuff.

Under consideration Creature Abilities Game Balance and Stats Suggested by: SeriouslySlyGuy Upvoted: 21 Mar Comments: 0

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