rhamphorhynchus second head slot.
This would help people with their main issue with rhamphorhynchus. You see, there IS an attack that does do something to other players. The blood drinker ability (not to be confused with scab picker which only worsens already present bleed) will cause bleed, heal your rhamph and if stacked enough will slow the opponent making it a potential useful escape tool for solos (especially against hatz I bet). The ability to cause a little bleed also means for everyone who wants to just be able to cause an attacker a bit of trouble, there they go. BUT to have this or really any of the head abilitys you have to give up your critter hunting bite which makes it very hard to fish. Yes, the speed boost flap works but it's very finicky with a small hitbox and a long cooldown. If ramph had a second head slot players might be more willing to experiment with their abilities more in order to discover that one bleed tool that does require pounce at the same time.
Comments: 5
15 Mar, '24
RhiannonIt has come to my attention that I may have misread the blood-drinker move. It gives "blood loss" which may be different from bleed. Still it does steal health so it does give ramph players an ability to nip things trying to eat them in a way that doesn't rely on other players. It's still valid for a singleplayer defense with its other supporting your escape debuffs and ability to apply them without a group.
17 Mar, '24
JakobI've tried pounching on a friend and the "blood sucker move" it does nothing to the dino you sit on.. exept healing your Rhamphorhynchus..
It would really be nice with the second head slot. -
03 Apr, '24
Catnip.ChaosYessss please it is such a headache… I would like to be able to fight a bit but not when I have to sacrifice eating :\ Something needs to be done about this. Another thing I thought of is that the ability could have both uses: to attack players AND to be able to bite fish. So if they really wanted to keep one slot we would at least still be able to catch fish lol
07 Apr, '24
The younginIt should have a second head slot but with the ability to do massive bleed because just look at the teeth they need to go to the dentist but with them teeth we need to do some form bleed it could also even be internal bleeding even if it is not that much bleed and it should be able to do different amounts of bleed depended on the size and the hide of the Dino or reptile. I just hope i make sense.
29 Oct, '24
Jiggy AdminRhampy now has a second slot that allows you to equip a standard bite attack that is effective for hunting critters.