Rhamphorhynchus vampire bite should give food not health
Rhamphorhynchus Already heals so fast due to being so small so I think that it should get food from its vampire bite not health
Comments: 4
15 Mar, '24
astrodrakPLEASEE alderon i am begging for this
it has so little health and dies in one or two bites to most things, so a heal ability serves little use for it anyway
plus getting food from biting people would really escalate its playstyle into something super unique, as no other creature has that ability
at the very least allowing server owners to edit it so food can be gained from its bite would be nice for us realism folks -
15 Mar, '24
ColourboticI agree with this wholeheartedly. It should get food from blood drain, similar to Vampire finches in real life. It doesnt need to be loads of food either, even a sliver from blood would be enough.
Us realism players would love this, and im sure other types of players would as well.
Please add this feature! -
09 Apr, '24
DarkDiamond0756This would be awesome to have! It could even slightly lower the victim's food and water too. To balance it, maybe lessen or remove the food/water drain from Plague Carrier so it doesn't stack too much, and to prevent greifing, maybe make it so that when you are full on food and water, it stops draining the victim's food and water, so it can't just be spammed on one person till they starve. I made a post on the PTB feedback channel on the discord a couple days back too mentioning this! I've wanted something like this ever since rhamph dropped: https://discord.com/channels/537375400867659875/1226350688234377337
13 Apr, '24
DinosaurGoRoarRhamphorynchus should actually do damage, especially bleed! Have you seen those needle teeth?? It is already so weak and without being to do ANY damage to other players, it is literally useless... it gone done dirty