Rhamph-Damaging Attack
I think the main reason people are having a problem is that the rhamp can't even defend itself against another rhamp it does 0 damage it should be able to do at least a LITTLE amount of damage
Why does Campto and Struthi have attacks but Rhamp doesnt? Everyone understands its a support dino. But why cant we compete with Struts, Camptos and other Rhamps?
Slightly upsetting release.
Comments: 18
14 Mar, '24
MysteryPlease! I want the ability to damage other Rhamps, along with damaging Hatchling/Juvi creatures. Gameplay wise, it feels so odd to have a playable that isn't capable of dealing any type of damage to other players. Even giving its normal 'Bite' attack a tiny amount of damage would work.
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14 Mar, '24
RhiannonI'm more concerned with speed. If the ramph is mostly passive it needs to be the fastest most manuverable flyer. By the way it seems the barrel roll can damage unless the discription is inaccurate.
Maybe it's just the baby that's so slow but it doesn't seem to pick up anywhere near the speed of the thas and it starts dropping immediately once you let go of shift. What's with the refusal to let things glide?
It can't seem to rest on the water either which is fine if that's thas thing but while I love the critter and the fact that it's in a game where I can play as it ramph certianly feels as new as it is. -
15 Mar, '24
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15 Mar, '24
MrChicken1124Yea like dont get me wrong im fine with Rhamph but the fact that Barrel roll is a bugged description so itll have zero attacks?? No. It needs SOMETHING.
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15 Mar, '24
Curvemn17Lol. Yes let me stack a combat timer on things and keep them in perpetual combat timer hell until they hit respawn and I get the trophy. I won't let you log, I won't let you enter hc, and you can't escape on land or in water. You'll never kill me and I have all day to annoy you
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15 Mar, '24
Caged-GremlinWhy are you competing with other rhampy's? If you cannot attack and the other said rhamp cannot attack whats the competition?
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15 Mar, '24
LoneRickIf u want to dmg something go llay thall or hatze not rhamp its playstyle doesnt require hunting
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15 Mar, '24
ShaddowwAnother idea would be to make a rhamp only able to attack a certain combat weight or lower. That will prevent rhamps from killing rexes, spinos and other bigger dinosaurs that doesn't make sense.
For example:
Anything (baby duck size) and smaller can be damaged by Rhamh. -
15 Mar, '24
WolfenDenYeah rhamph needs to be able to do damage. Not asking for it to be taking on the entire roster. It's a small playable but it should be able to at least back against whatever's attacking it. If it gets damage (again, not asking for a whole lot. It should be low damage), they can change other aspects of it: agility, buff effectiveness, whatever. Such a basic function of the game and it doesn't have it.
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15 Mar, '24
snapdragoncompletely agreed - its super weird they can't bite. I hope Alderon changes this ASAP.
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15 Mar, '24
SirSpicywe need to be able to fight other dinos! having a dino with pounce but no damage is just a waste of a dinosaur
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15 Mar, '24
RhiannonI disagree that a harmless dinosaur is a waste as long as it's fast and maneuverable enough. But if you do have pounce the blood drinking move (not to be confused with scab picker) can cause bleed, heal you, and debuff your target to help you get away. It would be nice to have two head slots though. Like there's really no point to pick anything else if you do insist on pvp but aren't grouped and picking the manuverable one makes it a lot harder to fish or fight any critter in general since the wing attacks have a longer cooldown.
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15 Mar, '24
zeroI do not think it should be given a damage ability, but I do think it needs to improve in other areas.
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15 Mar, '24
WolfieNo...leave the ramph as it is. It doesn't need to damage anything (the other flyers do) Only thing I'd suggest is faster at younger stages and a second head slot. But otherwise it's fine. It doesn't need to do damage. And as for the argument of struth and campto ramph is MUCH smaller than them.
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15 Mar, '24
HerulomeDefinitely needs a basic bite.. maybe nothing super overpowered but something to defend itself and possibly take down a smaller dino with. It’s a one shot, I can’t imagine having damage would be that bad. Wouldn’t let me upvote but I agree it should get damage, maybe just add some to its barrel roll or bite
15 Mar, '24
preplex2it needs another head slot too.
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17 Mar, '24
GibbzI agree somewhat with the comments here...however after playing multiple hours on rhamp now. The playstyle seems flawed....I cant stay pounced for very long due to the pounce rework, I cant even stay on my teammates to apply the 10% dmg buff long enough for it to be relevant. the voice debuffs shouldn't be a group or no group exclusive ability...especially the terror one. it doesn't need damage, it needs ability tuning. like as an example, I cant get 5 stacks on an enemy of nasty bites before I'm thrown off or out of stam and then get trampled. also a 50%-75% damage restistance WHILE being attached to a dino seems more than fair to this particular one :)
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05 Apr, '24
RemmyRooI reckon 2 head slots and a bite that lets it deal purely bleed damage would fix rhamphy up!