Admin Controls Need Work

3 votes

- Teleporting in spectate mode often leaves you stuck (it's about a 50/50 chance) and the only way to free yourself is to teleport again and hope for the best
- Going in and out of spectate should be bound to a key, or able to be.
- Making a "personal announcement" needs a command that can be typed. Like /p announce or something similar so I don't have to sort through literally 100+ people to make a targeted announcement to a specific player.
- Whisper command should throw an error when you spell the recipient's name wrong, not send the message to the previous recipient. I do NOT want my confidential message getting sent to the random player I whispered 10 minutes ago just because I made a typo.

Some super easy fixes to make server ownership/administration a little less stressful.

Under consideration Server Hosting Suggested by: Moz Upvoted: 27 Feb Comments: 0

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