Add a Fresh Water Pond on One of the Flyers Bluff Islands

28 votes

I think there should be a freshwater pond to drink from on one of the three Flyers Bluff islands. This would incentivize flyers to actually go there to do a few quests, because it's rarely ever visited. This would also make the islands a great spot to nest for flyers once nesting is added, since it's only accessible to them. Maybe add the pond on the middle island between the trees on the flatter part? Just an idea, feel free to put it anywhere. I spotted a super tiny cave entrance on the southernmost island that I doubt anyone has ever been in as it's too small for thal and hatz. This would make it a great nesting spot for ramph and micro (if micro is even granted powered flight to reach the island) if water is added to one of the islands. I'd love a reason to visit there more often, please consider!

Under consideration Map Feedback Suggested by: DarkDiamond0756 Upvoted: 14 Jan Comments: 3

Comments: 3