Better gameplay for aquatic Dinos

18 votes

Please help us water dinos out you have GONDWA so boring for us just for us to go get some action we need to cross over waterfalls so we can get to the rivers you also made it so we can only do lone survivor for a buff why cant we pack up like everything else in the game. So make it faster for us on land for the aquatic dinos so we dont die every single time we try to cross to a river its annoying we get no fun out of it cause we cant run or fight back. also make you could make underground tunnels that only aquatic dinos can use to switch between rivers or something and just add some more aquatic dinos already there's only 2 of us out here man (water dinos) come on we dont care about the stupid fish we eat, u can keep that for ur-self we care about the gameplay for the aquatic dinos. oh and please give aquatic dinos quest that are in the rivers/lakes pls we work so hard to get there we should atleast be able to quest.

Under consideration Creature Abilities Game Balance and Stats Quests and Achievements Suggested by: SOFLO95 Upvoted: 24 Nov, '24 Comments: 3

Comments: 3