Accessibility/QOL features

16 votes

As a visually impaired player, I'm quite unhappy with the state of the game's accessibility right now.

- Allow font size customizability. Currently myself and others who I have talked to find it hard to read their group-mates usernames because the font size for name-tags is very small. Same with quests on the side of the screen.
- Allow the bloody screen when low to be disabled. When I'm very low, I can hardly see anything as a result of this.
- Allow the HUD to be resized. This would benefit every player, not just disabled ones.
- Allow chat box to be resized.
- Allow yellow outline around interactables to be disabled.

Under consideration Quality of Life (QOL) UI and HUD Suggested by: Otus Upvoted: 01 Jan Comments: 2

Comments: 2