Remove Desolate Pass Bridge to IC - Gondwa
Sharptooth Marsh, a biome you made some touch ups to and has gotten better with the addition of the fresh water pond. However this still remains an area that people would rather pass over. It remains an ideal spot to create interactions amongst semi aquatics and terrestrials. It also remains a nice place for full aquatic and semi aquatic interactions due to it being deep enough but narrow enough to not allow full aquatics to terrorize it completely, this will be especially important with the future addition of leeds and tylo.
How then do we create natural interactions here?
Remove the desolate pass bridge. It is that simple. You can enter sharptooth from Birchwood in 3 locations, desolate pass from 3 locations - and these do not include the entrance on either side from the ocean. 2 slots and below are capable of passing through without swimming if they know where to go and anything bigger does not have to swim much.
Remove the bridge and make this an active zone.