Panjura overhaul/rework, preparing it for future content/events, can't expand further with 1k limit.
redesign and make it larger:keep the feeling of a vast world and impression there's always something beyond even if borders stretching it out are mostly empty.
north:green plain/forest/swamp and mountains further north could end with a giant cliff or mountains (dormant volcano)
middle:big sea with large island in the middle for careboars/mixpacks/pvp and a archipelago of smaller islands and shallower water for dinos to travel through, various cave systems for exploration and babies to grow (volcano and deep trench)
south:savanna/desert/swamp (desert could stretch indefinately instead of a wall)
seasons:each part of the map will see changes, north will become cold durring winter (freezing swamps driving aquatics away) while south green, hospitable and welcome, during summer desert becomes harsher and north becomes green instead.
water level change sinking certain parts of the map making place for aquatics, caves could become filled with water
weather events/ai/food available change.