raptor pounce needs a nerf it is way to op
raptors are broken, 1 baby can pounce and kill an adult rex its absolutely absurd.
Comments: 8
17 Jan, '24
Jakobtotally agreed.. my Eotriceratops was killed by a single Latenivenatrix .. and i could do absolut NOTHING to prevent this.. i couldn't touch it.. or get it of.. and he was just sitting on me and biting and the damage i recieved for each bite was insane!!
makes the Eotriceratops absolut garbage against such a small creature..
He didn't fell of even if i used stomp or my horn.. he just flew right past the horns and on my back..
I tried running into a tree to see if it would knock him of... my brother who was playing a Kentro.. couldn't hit him while he sat on me!?!?!?!?
The Pounce ability is not fair .. it should only be able to pounce once.. then bite and then fall off. It should NOT be able to stick and just sit there for minutes and just bite/bit/bite. :( -
19 Jan, '24
KA way to deal with it, would be to make the raptor, only sit on you (pounche) and when it bites the first time, it should automatically fall off and then have a cooldown of at least 20 sec before it can do it again!
But only be able to pounche/grab if it is coming from the sides.. And it should not be able to jump you from the front or back..! -
17 May, '24
DinoThey’ve already nerfed small raptors, and I haven’t been able to kill anything even as a sub adult with pounce, while Achillobator needs a nerf Deinonychus players can’t survive another one
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12 Jul, '24
Owen SpinaDeion needs a buff I like him he’s small and fast and has jumping attacks and quick attacks that is the only reason dieno is playable one more attack nerf and it all goes away
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28 Sep, '24
DinoAlso honestly I know it sounds rude, but to be killed by a single Laten as an Eo or a Rex is absolutely ridiculous, you can pretty much one shot those guys as either so if you weren’t hitting them, which isn’t impossible to do, or jumping to buck them I don’t understand why you are upset, It honestly sounds like a skill issue to me and you are upset that you have to actually try
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12 Nov, '24
FangIf you time your stomps right you can easily kill a laten or deinon on a dismount.
I also can't count the number of times I tried to jump on an eo and it just precision turned and instantly killed me with its horns.
More and more I see these post about the raptors and more and more it seems like it's coming from people who just don't know how to handle their dinos. -
30 Dec, '24
HoruskanRaptors don't need more nerfing devs has been nerfing raptors since it appeared in game. EO can one shot raptors easily , if you couldn't hit it once in the whole time that take to laten to kill you then it's skill issues and don't misunderstood me I'm a deinon main deino has been the weakest dino for years but we learned to fight using environment and every single ability or opportunity, big dinos just rely on their powerful bites you just need to see an apex fight they just tank head to head and bite until one falls down
12 Jan
Fullmetal1: How many times does a laten/deino need to bite a trike to kill it? Sorry but that might just be a bad player if you can’t kill it before it land the 100 bites necessary to kill you. 2: The damage is already reduced by like 50%. This doesn’t apply to everything, but still. 3: The large creatures can easily one-shot raptors. How many times has a laten lived a rex bite? Pounce is in a fine situation right now, and you can just shake which drains stamina even more.