Plz remove Xp/Mark Loss

174 votes

If you die or leave the area, the Quest should stop as it has been doing so far. (No change)

But if you die while doing a Quest, it's really annoying that you also lose both XP and Marks (25%'ish).
Could you possibly remove that part (xp/mark loss)?
So you don't lose xp/marks progress at all.
It can ruin a whole day of grinding - (enjoyment of the game).

It can make it hard to go into battle/defend in fear of losing xp/marks.
If you don't lose these, you can more easily engage in battles and enjoy the game.
And even more so if there was "friendly fire" in your group. So you don't hurt group members.

Under consideration Game Mechanic Suggested by: Jakob Upvoted: 20 Apr Comments: 1

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