Official Solo Servers (Features I'd Love to See)

8 votes

I am assuming these servers would have a separate matchmaking option with separate servers being used, similar to Panjura being separate from Gondwa servers.

- Disable chat (Reduces toxicity, auto complete the 'use chat' step in tutorial cave quest)

- Disable grouping

- Disable joining via friends list

- Allow group abilities to be active/activated at half the max stacks (Examples: Stampede x2 w/o group, Night Terror's Call x5, etc.)

- Remove server player softcap (Official servers linger around 80 despite being able to hold more, likely reserved for friends to join each other. Unnecessary for solo servers)

These features would make it truly solo servers, 'clans' & megapacks would have a much harder time forming due to not being able to join friends, group up, or chat. Being able to use group abilities (passive & active) would keep the viability of smaller dinos as well as add to ability variety. Any alliances made would be fickle, lingering doubt & potential betrayal.

Under consideration Game Mode Suggested by: Tovon Upvoted: 19 Jan Comments: 1

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