Hatze feels broken now.

217 votes

It was almost perfect the way it was released which is a rare thing in any game... Now it can hardly fly or stand a chance in any fight.

For a creature that has the largest wingspan of any other avian creature known to man, does taking away it's ability to glide make any sense? Gliding is the one main thing this creature in real life would have had to rely on to live. It's literally what it's body was designed to naturally do. With wings that big it wouldn't just sink out of the air like a rock.

Why make all of it's attack abilities and stamina worse as well as it's ability to fly? Now it's bad at everything. But taking away it's ability to glide like it doesn't have wings really broke it.

All that needed to be done was to add a couple of seconds to some attack cooldowns and it would have been perfect. A single raptor can kill a Hatze with one pounce and it's fine but god forbid a massive bird with a lance for a face ten times it's size be able to do anything to the raptor.

Under consideration Game Balance and Stats Suggested by: Moebius Wan Upvoted: 03 Feb Comments: 4

Comments: 4