Panjura map upgrades

232 votes

Panjura could use some basic quality of life updates. My girlfriend and I started playing path of titans around 8 months ago and we started with Gondwa first. We’ve been unable to really enjoy Panjura because of that because it feels like a step back. My girlfriend explained to me why she can’t stand it. Her two biggest reasons was because of the map. She can’t tell what area or zone she is in because the map doesn’t indicate different zones and where they end. Gondwa since it has many different biomes it is clear when you look on the map the extent of each area. The second thing she doesn’t like is that the quests are so large example gather 300 nuts. And it takes us forever to complete that quest because the nuts aren’t as plentiful as they should be for having to collect that many. The map problem exacerbates this because you can’t tell the extent of the area and don’t know where to check next for them.

Under consideration Map Feedback Suggested by: Tristan Erwin Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 0

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