Bring back old Metri

170 votes

As some one who has played Metri nonstop, I was absolutely heart broken when I learned my beloved Dino was pretty much being taken from the game to be replaced with something else that hardly even resembles it.
I'd like to vote for the Venom bite, original Stam and speed to come back. Metri is nothing like it was, going from a decent midteir ambush type play style to a generic support.
Metri players are far and few between, and most of them just show up in turf wars to heal allies then gone. If you want to add a support type carni, there would be better bets than a metri. Don't take what the community loved and turn it into something it shouldn't be. I'm not asking for a complete delete of what the current metri is, but some resemblance to its former self would be greatly appreciated as it's nothing like it use to be.
I will continue to play the game but it feels a little more empty in a way.
I hope at least some improvement happens to this dino where all metri players can be happy.

Under consideration Creature Abilities Game Balance and Stats Game Mechanic Suggested by: Minushka Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 5

Comments: 5