Bring back old Metri
As some one who has played Metri nonstop, I was absolutely heart broken when I learned my beloved Dino was pretty much being taken from the game to be replaced with something else that hardly even resembles it.
I'd like to vote for the Venom bite, original Stam and speed to come back. Metri is nothing like it was, going from a decent midteir ambush type play style to a generic support.
Metri players are far and few between, and most of them just show up in turf wars to heal allies then gone. If you want to add a support type carni, there would be better bets than a metri. Don't take what the community loved and turn it into something it shouldn't be. I'm not asking for a complete delete of what the current metri is, but some resemblance to its former self would be greatly appreciated as it's nothing like it use to be.
I will continue to play the game but it feels a little more empty in a way.
I hope at least some improvement happens to this dino where all metri players can be happy.
Comments: 5
29 Mar, '24
dtbrex08I think metri is ok, old metri was my og but honestly after playing this one its not too different, if anything combat wise it's better, it still does a lot of damage and can debuff enemies and heal itself. I agree the stamina is a little weird but that's already changed in the ptb I think, overall though I think it's ok. There's also a lot of other people that agree with my opinion so not everyone wants old metri back, but I agree the older version was a bit more fun, however overall again it's not bad now either, I myself just liked the venomous playstyle.
01 Apr, '24
RemmyRooSomething in between could be fun like a bit of venom to the bite or an ability that lets it deal venom with the bite, more stamina, a little more speed, but keeping the healing calls alongside maybe adding toxic scream as an additional option. Would be nice to choose between a healing build or an ambush/venom build then we can also mix and match between the two playstyles and everyone is happy. Whether you miss old Metri or adore new Metri, this could solve the problem because you can simply spec into the desired build.
28 Aug, '24
trsgesefefI agree because i called my metri venom tooth, and how can you call someone venom tooth without venom??? i would like if i would atleast be able to change the name of my metri.
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08 Sep, '24
DauntlessOwl2011I love your ideas dude sadly I was not a player when the original metri was here but I love the venomous bite bit though
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01 Oct, '24
VipspinoYes, it was more a venom dino not a healer.