Let us walk over tiny sticks
Please fix not being able to walk over sticks that completely halt a dino that's going full sprint. It breaks immersion and completely disrupts gameplay. This doesn't just happen to small dinos either.
Comments: 2
31 Dec, '23
Irishagreed this gotta happen
4 -
01 Jan, '24
PauperprinceAgreed! The small rocks and sticks are constantly disrupting immersion. Any tiny obstacles Dino’s should easily navigate, but are unable to; become huge immersion obstacles. This may seem like a small thing when weighing against the challenges developers are currently tackling. However, it is also one of the quality of life basics that sets the mood during gameplay. It’s a silent but deadly mood killer, still overshadowing the pace of this game. With the upcoming game modes and those terrains. This suggestion is definitely one to consider.