Alternative view for flyers in character menus

73 votes

With more and more flyers coming to PoT through both base game and mods, there’s been one small factor that I think could use some minor QoL changes.

Currently in character screen, flyers will stand idle on the ground while players select skins. However, that does also mean that wings for the most part are folded and can be difficult to see the skin’s full extent. This isn’t too bad on something like thalasso, but more prominent in hatz and likely other future flyers.

As such, I think that flyers should have the option of selecting an alternate view in the character screen of said character in a looping flight/glide animation. That way, players can get a better view of the wings and customise their skins easier.

Under consideration Quality of Life (QOL) Suggested by: Sarcastic Sarkastodon Upvoted: 16 Nov, '24 Comments: 1

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