Referral Skins Rework

5 votes

In addition to my previous post about bringing back the old referral rewards (one way or another), I think they should also change how the rewards work for referring someone.

I think players should be able to choose what they want, rather than progressing up a ladder. This would be a much friendlier system - collectors will still try to get them all, but people who want just a specific one of them will probably be a lot happier.

I think this would be far more consumer-friendly than the current system. In other games, like World of Warcraft, their original RAF system worked exactly like that. There was a selection of rewards to choose from and you could pick one that you wanted. Future referrals let you pick one of the others.

Additionally, when they decided to rework their system and retire the old rewards, their playerbase was given a heads up very well ahead of time. It was far more consumer-friendly than how it was handled with Path of Titans, where there was no communication.

Under consideration Game Mechanic Website Suggested by: Borga Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 0

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