Refer A Friend Skins

100 votes

With this new rooster of referal skins update, it is known so far that the old skins are gone leaving everyone who missed them or were in the way of getting a specific one from the batch upset with the outcome. Given how it wasn't clear for most of us of the community that those skins were actually limited, I really would like to see a way of still getting them along with the new ones.

My suggestion would be: either making the old ones AND new ones earnable together (which would increasily make people want to use the referal codes) with future possible referal skins then added into the pile of them, OR a rotation between each year the referal skins changing (this way giving a chance to everyone earn the skins while keeping only one skin per referal again).

Under consideration Website Suggested by: ArzinPhoenix Upvoted: 12 May Comments: 4

Comments: 4