Give people who already had referrals from the old skins the corresponding amount of new ones

5 votes

Instead of making people start from scratch with the new referral skins, just make them automatically unlock if you already had referrals, forcing people to start from scratch is really annoying and the fact this came out of the blue means people working on the old skins have been completely screwed over. A good way to soften the blow is have peoples referral progress carry over to the new skins, rather than making everyone start from scratch, if someone had all 6 of the old ones, give them all 6 of the new ones, and if they had 2 of the old ones give them two of the new ones and so on. Forcing people to start over while just getting rid of the old referral skins is a bad decision that a lot of people are very unhappy about

Under consideration Website Suggested by: Daniel Upvoted: 11 May Comments: 0

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