Stop nerfing raptors!
Raptors themselves do not need anymore nerfs! Those of us who main PvP raptor on official have finally been given an ability to make us viable against dinosaurs without slick hide/feathers (most have it), while pycno and cera reflect damage. Many will bait pounce to inflict way more damage to the raptor, and fundamentally we are still “one-shot” dinos no matter how much lower skill players want to complain. It’s still quite easy to kill even the best raptor mains in the game, and to take away our bleed is to neuter us worse than we were before pounce was released - not to mention pounce itself will get a nerf and raptor strikes is almost worthless in a dogfight. All of the BS complaints aren’t from raptors actually being OP, it’s based on volume. There have never been this many raptors active in the game before, and many players are upset that we are now a viable PvP dino. Our speed was nerfed, our speed boost taken away, and stam regen nerfed. Speed boost while grouped is lame.
Comments: 40
16 Nov, '23
Hatterwe are not one shot and most dino’s do not have slick hide to counter just a select few. Iv died so many times on my kentro and stego due to NOT being able to get them off!!! and if i do they have such a low cool down on pounce they are right back on! I am happy with the nerf because if you do t have slick hide or reflect you’ll die fast to how MANY can be on you at once!!!! If your solo it’s impossible! Game Breaking the nerfs are great but “”please increase the timer on the pounce and make it so you can’t unlock it until your an ADULT””
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17 Nov, '23
StevenThere was also a nerf to raptors stamina
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17 Nov, '23
The Green RaptorDon't forget, apart of slick hide , exist reflective hide that thing almost can kill us by its own , stomp is one shot kill for us even if we are in a rock , bone break , a simple bite of a rex or a pycno charge. Check de combat weight of all dinos and tell me why couldn't any of them kill us ? The difference is we work in groups not all dinos work like that , you complain it's hard for a solo dino to counter a raptor, imagine a solo raptor trying to fight any dino. :(
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17 Nov, '23
BlackshookEven the negative commenter “Hatter” proved my point. The kentro reflects damage, and a charged tail swing of the stego can do massive damage to a dino while latched (happened lastnight on the left shoulder slot of an adult steg). Hatter admits to not knowing how to get raptors off of him/her, rather than giving a viable example of them being OP. A group of raptors should be at least as effective as an apex, and dinos function as counters for one another. There’s no reason on earth why 5-6 players on small predatory dinos shouldn’t be able to take on a good portion of the roster 6v1, but yet a kentro/stego player complains about raptors working as a team basically. Kentros are often sent out into fights with raptors because of their speed, bleed, and damage reflect. Yes, we can kill either dino now in a group - as we should be able to.
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18 Nov, '23
XVioletX2 raptors should not be able to kill any solo apex. They are definitely not one shot unless you play dumb and walk Infront of a spinos face. It is NEARLY impossible to fight them as any solo dino as there is never just one raptor. At least fighting mix packs, most dinos have a higher chance of escaping aside from larger slower ones.
It takes 0 skill to play a raptor any more, they have just become more annoying and rampant. This is coming from someone whos main is a raptor.. -
18 Nov, '23
Royally savageRaptors should only be effective in large groups the nerfs are not even enough they should nerf harder this is a terrible suggestion for anyone that doesn’t play raptors you don’t realise how unfair it is because your never on the receiving end of it
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18 Nov, '23
The Green RaptorXvioletX - Just look at how long and how many bites it takes for a raptor to kill an Apex. if you can't land 2 regular bites (enough to kill a raptor ) in that time, then we are talking about something else and it isn't about the raptors.
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19 Nov, '23
EdwinI don't agree with eliminating bleeding, but weakening the ability to jump; (They should lose more and more stamina), since by becoming unbalanced in the game, to the point that Rex stopped being a walking target, he can walk calmly, and the groups of dinosaurs that were hunted cannot do so, because the raptors kill them very easily. , they can't defend themselves. Although it takes a little time to beat an apex, it is easy 1 vs 1 and if it were a group it is faster, the reflex abilities or skins only work one against one, not in a group of raptors, they only take turns and the birds of prey They end up killing them. In addition, dinosaurs can cause damage to birds of prey when they are attached, it only works if they bite the front limbs and the tail attacks the rear limbs, otherwise it does not work with some, not all.
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19 Nov, '23
RescarnationOf course it's going to seem annoying! Compared to a larger predator, who can take down it's prey in a couple of good bites, it takes a raptor - especially a solo one - many more bites and running around to take down it's prey. Not to mention it's also still a new thing to the game and a lot of players are now growing them. Taking away the bleed is a huge hit to raptors, as I main one and am generally running solo, and it just makes no sense for an immersive effect.
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19 Nov, '23
TakayaUs raptors work in packs - how nature intended it. Packs should be able to take on anything. If you run solo as a raptor, be smart about your battles and be an opportunist. We can get one shotted out of the beehive, half the dinos have the slick scales/feathers. The dev's gave counters for the raptors.
Everyone is complaining because of how many people changed to raptor after the update it was a huge population boom, that's to be expected. Because people wanted to try it out. Give it time and people will go back to their mains and everything will become balanced again. There is no need to nerf us raptors. -
19 Nov, '23
As someone who’s played deinon in solo, pounce is entirely broken. Only a small handful of dinos can fight back. There are areas you can pounce where the target dino can’t hit you back and pounce costs so little stam to use and has no cool down.
The bleed that one raptor can stack up is ridiculous. Two raptors should not be able to bleed out a bars or a rex in 5 minutes or less.
Raptor’s special ability is now pounce, no longer bleed. They shouldn’t have access to both when others have no way to shove you off or hit you back.
Make pounce more punishing if you miss. Maybe make it so raptors take collision damage with the ground if you activate pounce mid-jump and miss your target. And make it so raptors take full damage if they are in their pounce animation while being hit by an attack. Aside from the HC buff, there should never be invincible frames give to any character in this game. -
19 Nov, '23
Gocry@hatter, sounds like a skill issue. I’ve killed plenty of raptors on my Stego, kentro, styra, etc with minimal damage taken.
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19 Nov, '23
BobbyLSwaggerXVioletX it sounds like you don't main raptor at all. Raptors are easily countered by either a hide slot, either reflective damage or slick, stomp one shots us, some dinos on the roster can still hit us while latched, a pack member from said latched member can come over and kill us, we can get pulled off in water. All I hear is skill issues, and my favorite part is people want to complain about not being able to get us off but don't choose to read patch notes, don't choose to look up information on how to get better or counter. Most of these low skill players treat this game like a role play chat room simulator as opposed to a survival game. Git gud or play community/single player where your needs can be met.
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20 Nov, '23
WyrmI think giving the raptors the pounce was what was needed but thats it. One raptor should be able to kill something it's size but not an apex. Same could be said for the Meg which I've been playing recently. Since I'm not the best, I miss a lot of hits but the Meg is a patient killer while the raptor is a team player. You guys have more then enough to play as a team.
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20 Nov, '23
CrypticIt is still hard to kill things as a raptor, even in groups. I was playing as a solo cerato the other day and two raptors decided to attack me. I literally stood still and they died of reflection damage. I've seen large groups of raptors get annihilated by other dinos who play smart and don't just let the raptors kill them. Not to mention that it is not easy to actually land a pounce on the few dinosaurs you can latch onto. Nerfing the raptors will just make them useless again.
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20 Nov, '23
SarahI really think the nerfing should stop, like, how tf people think real raptors/dromeosaurids acted like back in the day when they were hunting???? Right, for 1, they used to mostly interact as a pack, and 2, pouncing/latching etc. Was a NORMAL raptor ability so they could even get food.
I'm so mad people think that it is OP which it is obviously not🙄🙄🙄🙄 -
20 Nov, '23
BokkapoohI agree. And instead of removing bleed, why not let it do less bleed effect instead?
And instead of nerfing the raptor, why not let all dinos have an attack that can hit a raptor while theyre latched(if that dino species doesnt naturally have slick hide). -
20 Nov, '23
MissUnicornDon't get rid of the bleed. I may not like the raptors since the update because of the sheer AMOUNT of damage they can do now, but they still need it to be able to actually fight.
If anything, mounting stamina needs to be reduced, made easier to buck off, or the use of the environment to dislodge (example: shoulder ram into a rock, tree,etc.). -
21 Nov, '23
RaptorIf raptors get nerfed, yall should remove slick hide too or nerf it / make it so people can't combine stomp+slick hide. From raptors perspective a creature with slick hide+stomp is an extremely op untouchable force. Larger characters controlled by smarter people can also use the environment, like if you pounce someone they can turn their side to a cliff and corner you here when you fall, or especially water can be used very effectively against raptors (it is stupid to pounce something big standing in or near water because if you fall in, they can still walk and run where you already swim...) But the thing is, 60% or even a bit more of the players i pounce as a raptor doesn't even try to shake me off or use the environment, they just run around like crazy doing nothing... Raptors are not the real problem here, apex people not wanting to adapt are, they don't like that a small pack of something so small can take them down. Enough! We will not watch u nerf us AGAIN. Raptor kin must rise!
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21 Nov, '23
An avarage raptor enjoyerNot to mention if you shake them of their stamina is practicaly gone, so its not even Hard to catch them.... But most players i encountred Just stood And didn't know what to do, or ran And panicked. Raptor can be countered even in groups its not hard you Just have to learn And adapt to it....
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21 Nov, '23
WarzorThere are also dinos who can do shit vs them. Look at the Allo for instance. It reminds me of the Pachy era, where everyone was going for it "because it is fun" he is still fun right!? Can still run for 5 min, jump and charge. But he isnt as strong anymore (they nerfed him to much, yeh), but now he is not meta anymore. My point is, it get played a lot because it is OP. Imagine how much more u could easily kill if slick hides would not exist!? That they are in the game itself is bad game design, you should not be "forced" to pick it, otherwise u struggle with chickens. Every dino that cant 1 shot them, cant hit them when they latch on him and is slower is forced to pick it or is dead by the first chickens apprearing. This alone should tell u how stupidly strong it is in certain matchups! They buffed on ptb the bucking, imo much needed. Slick hides should not even be in the game imo, having one mechanic, that completely nullifies another one isnt good game design.
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21 Nov, '23
BlackshookIntroducing “pounce” was more like releasing a new dino, from a sociological perspective, than merely an ability. Everyone wanted to play raptor to mess with the new ability which actually gives us circumstancial viability. Since writing this suggestion players have gotten even better at countering us, and I’m seeing fewer and fewer raptors in-game. Folks still having issues countering us simply have not learned to do so, and those who play Raptor saying that we’re OP must be light years ahead of the majority of notable raptor mains in the game, though I have not seen a shred of evidence to support their claims - not video, nor in-game. I’m sure people’s complaints about us came quickly and en masse, but the announcement for raptor nerfs in PTB came way before the game had a chance to naturally balance. At this point if we are nerfed we’re going to be royally screwed with all these new abilities ppl have.
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21 Nov, '23
RaptorWarzor, you are ""forced"" (recommended) to use slick hide if you are alone, if you are in a group you can help eachother very easily and don't really need it.... And people are meant to struggle against multiple enemies.
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29 Nov, '23
DeinonychusTaking away bleed from a dinosaur literally running around with built in karambits on its feet wouldn’t make sense. They weren’t there for decoration and the issues other players are running into with raptors is simply because of the sheer volume of new raptor players swarming around the map to try out a new and exciting ability. I think the bleed should stay but if it is removed from the bite, it should be moved to a “sickle/kill claw” attack rather than removing it completely. The pounce animation already exists and it could be used to make an attack focusing on a “sickle/ kill claw” related attack (no latching version of the attack) separate from the “pounce/latch” and with the choice to choose between the two attacks.
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30 Nov, '23
DadadaThe pounce should make a remake. Instead of biting while on latched. I want it have an animations slicing its talons dealing massive bleed with less raw damage. That suits the raptor playstyle for me 🩸 to the skin of its victim just like The Isle Evrima Omniraptor and jurrasic world 2 games.
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08 Dec, '23
ZaroxStudies and research have been done on raptors and what the sickle claw was most likely used for.
It most likely wasn’t meant to bleed out prey, it was meant to hang onto prey, just like how hawks, owls, and eagles today use their talons to vice grip snakes, mice, or fish.
Raptors having their bleed removed isn’t a bad thing. You just have to learn how to fight without the bleed. Struthi had its bleed removed and look, it’s doing fine!
Another thing problem I have with the new pounce mechanic: it gives the user invincible frames during their pounce animation (something I adamantly would like removed from the game). I’ve said it before and will say it again, no character in this game should ever have invincible frames (unless it’s the home cave buff).
If I tail swipe a raptor while it’s mid-pounce, it should take *at least* full body damage.
>>Pounce should be a high skill-ceiling move that is used sparingly, not a “gg ez” move that’s spammed every 2 seconds. -
12 Dec, '23
EdwinThey should increase the amount of stamina that the raptors consume when using "pounce" and it has a cooldown or increase the stamina recovery time of the raptors to that of the apex, instead of removing the bleeding, it is ridiculous to see Rex, Eo, spino and others, hiding in bushes and trees so that the raptors see them or running towards the water, when it should be the opposite and trying to run from them until they are cornered or die and there are other dinosaurs that can only use groups with others, to be able to defend themselves from the kidnappers
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29 Dec, '23
RevaxThe bleed does need a nerf, at least while pouncing, its unplayable for some dinos.
There is no way to shake them of, the space bar does basically nothing, they can do half your health in bleed before you shake them off its insane, many dinos are not played anymore because people are tired of being soloed by raptors and bled to death without being able to do anything and you are forced to have the slick hide at all times to counter which prevent you to play your real build with other hides.
Im ok with raptors poucing and doing real damage but thats too much, they are breaking the game right now. -
05 Jan, '24
RhinocerosChicken mains when their OP dinosaur became balanced:
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09 Jan, '24
Chris DurkinAbility idea... when you take 100% of health in one hit, instead of dying, get 2seconds invulnerable and 2seconds increased speed. 5minute refresh..
=) -
30 Jan, '24
MidnightMissThese new changes to the raptor are just garbage. Removing bleed was unnecessary as that was really the only thing they had going for them. Pounce cool down was also unneeded as with the wonky hitboxes and lag you aren't always going to land on your target even when physically touching them.
Raptors lost their speed, stam regen has taken a hit on everything, and basically any viable target has slick hide or some other deterrent that makes fighting them not worth it, leaving only things like iggys, eos, and bars to go after, yet they still aren't easy fights.
You still need a decent group of other raptors or other dinosaurs in general to take these things on and seeing as raptors are pack animals I see no reason why a group of 4 or more raptors shouldn't be allowed to take down an apex. They are pack hunters after all. They were also the best deterrent for the fuggin OP Hatz, and now that's ruined with how easier it will be to shake them off now. -
11 Mar, '24
Katz.And let me be clear... They should only take one hit from much larger dino's without requiring the knowledge of some random trample mechanic. A rex bite, a spino swipe... Anything comparably more than twice its size should be capable of smacking it down in one... At most two hits. It already has so many other advantages working in its favor so just balance them out. You did fine with so many other mechanics to the game so im confused how you botched this up so bad. Unless it was intentional due to some favouritism for the whole family of raptors. Id just really love it if you could fix it. I dont want to have to quit for something this dumb. Only been playing for two days... But i can tell you as a new player this is the most unforgivable, and frustrating thing. Buying a game, and falling in love with it only to find out that a single mechanic so painfully imbalances it all, and makes you feel like your watching an artistic masterpiece burn up in a house fire that was lit by the owner.
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31 Mar, '24
ThiagoAnother point was the question of removing the bleeding from the game, it is absurd that these bites and guard attacks do not have bleeding, in my opinion it was a setback in the game.
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24 Jun, '24
DinoYes!!!!!! Maybe Achillobator but not the small raptors, especially Deinonychus! I love Deinonychus but I can’t play it because it is ALREADY too weak
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26 Jun, '24
olivethe only raptor i agree needs a nerf is the utahraptor, which isn’t up to alderon 😭 the nerfs against raptors is definitely making them less appealing
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03 Jul, '24
Eterithis, these are our favorite dinosaurs and playing them after being nerfed so much is no longer so pleasant :(
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06 Oct, '24
FangRaptors weren't the only ones that got butchered with all the nerfs.
Pretty much any dinosaur that relied on speed, manuverablity, and being in a pack got screwed over heavily. -
29 Oct, '24
Jiggy AdminWe have completed the Deinonychus and Latenivenatrix TLCs, and they now have a lot of group support abilities and ways to survive attacks such as Lucky Feather. Let us know what you think!
11 Nov, '24
FangHonestly Jiggy, the tlc for laten and deinon was a big let down for me.
Deinon got a nice double jump, but it's way too weak to be used for solo play or outside of mix packing.
Latens speed has been tanked a ridiculous amount. Can't keep up with struthis and get ran over by stys.
We got a bleed attack back but we are forced to choose between doing any viable damage or doing bleed and with how you can't even pounce a creature and use the bleed bite, the attack is pretty much useless as anything you and keep up with to bite on the ground can do 360 turns in a second or can just stomp on you.
I was excited to hear about the tlc because I was hoping it would fix many of the issues the previous nerfs had caused, but I just ended up more disappointed. -
19 Nov, '24
Yrn_dnoFang I agree with you I main deinon and its just to weak for me tbh I’m not mad at the update I actually love what they did for the deinon but I just think its cw and health shouldn’t had been touched, yea they gave us lucky feather but if thats the case yall can take lucky feather back and give deinon they health and cw back deinons were already weak I just don’t get it to make them any weaker than they were, and another thing i solo on deinon a lot to and I feel like I should be able to put up a fight to one slot or two slot dino on my own a little bit especially one slot like struthis n campto I feel like they could fight me with no consequences because I really can’t chase them, they stamina last longer than me, and lastly they stronger than me I try not to complain and just play but as play longer I felt like I needed to say something I had this game since it got released on consoles back in 2022 been loving it ever since but this the most I been disappointed so far from dein hlth