Seasonal Events

4 votes

Eventually there should be events during different seasons and holidays with their own quests themed around them and rewards to earn.

Nothing extreme or immersion breaking but more natural things like having the seasons visible and effecting the map in different ways during the holidays. Some examples of event themes are snow falling and covering everything during winter or falling leaves and colorful trees in the fall. You could also have smaller events scattered between holidays like meteor showers, storm seasons or even volcanic events.

For event themed quests you could have things like pumpkins growing during Halloween and if you collect enough of them or do some other kind of special quests you can earn themed skins and decorations for your home cave and etc.

There are tons of things you can do with an event system and it adds more ways to earn growth and rare items in the game. But most importantly it would add more to do and reasons to continue playing throughout the year.

Under consideration Game Mechanic Game Mode Suggested by: Sirlurkselot Upvoted: 01 Mar Comments: 0

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