Add or Move Berry Bushes (Gondwa)

240 votes

If you see the areas circled in red, there are NO berry bushes in these locations.
BQL, Sand Caverns, SF, and Hoodoo, all connected, have none.
Broken Tooth has none.
Red Island has none.
Desolate Pass has none.
Wilderness Peaks/the northern half of Triad Falls has none.
Mud Flats/part of Hunters Thicket has none.
Green Hills, despite its size and proximity to a berry-less large area, has only ONE on its northern side.

However, Sanctuary Islands (the small island near White Cliffs) has two. Whistling Columns has 10.

Berry bush distribution greatly impacts the viability of an area for herbivores, forcing them to run forager if they want to live in a specific area. By moving berry bushes from Grand Plains, and White Cliffs, as well as a few from Green Valley or Whistling Columns, to these berry less areas, certain areas can be made more herbivore friendly. OR bushes can be added to these areas.

Done Map Feedback Suggested by: MaxChaos Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 5

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