Ocean Ambience
I think at the moment we can all agree the ocean is kinda dead but it doesn't have to be I feel we can liven things up with something as simple as sound i feel that something as simple as whale sounds or dolphin chirps or animalistic sounds in the ocean can definitely liven things up and not make it seem like a desolate waste land barren of life.
Comments: 1
05 Oct, '23
Greg_the_LlamaWhale sounds? I dont think that's the best noises for a dinosaur game. I like the "silence" of the ocean. However, I've stated this before on a similar suggestion. But more ocean life in general woukd be great. Things like the manta rays, but also if ammonites and jellyfish only appear at nite. With some possible bio-luminescence. But during the days/always, a difference in prey between the open ocean and reef like areas. Reef like areas have fish, sharks, etc like there is now most of the time. But outside those areas in the more open ocean, would be large school of fish. Schools large enough that create that mesmerizing effect when they move.